Ventricular Depolarization

The depolarization of the myocardium is represented on an ECG by a series of waveforms, one for atrial depolarization and soon after a larger waveform for ventricular depolarization. Normal ventricular depolarization begins with the septal fascicle of the left bundle branch (causing a Q wave) followed by a simultaneous depolarization of the remaining ventricular walls via the right and left bundle branches. The left bundle branch splits into the septal, anterior and posterior fascicles.

The depolarization of the myocardium is represented on an ECG by a series of waveforms, one for atrial depolarization and soon after a larger waveform for ventricular depolarization.

Ventricular depolarization moving towards a positive electrode produces an upright waveform. The resulting waveform, though, is often more complex than the P wave produced by atrial depolarization. Ventricular depolarization (QRS complex) normally traverses three or four areas of the ventricles simultaneously thanks to the bundle branches.

Normal ventricular depolarization begins with the septal fascicle of the left bundle branch (causing a Q wave) followed by a simultaneous depolarization of the remaining ventricular walls via the right and left bundle branches. The left bundle branch splits into the septal, anterior and posterior fascicles.

As mentioned, the QRS complex is produced by ventricular depolarization. The width of the QRS is a function of the time taken for the ventricles to depolarize. The height or amplitude of the QRS is a function of the electrical force or voltage of the monitored region of the heart. The orientation of the QRS complex (i.e. upright, downward or diphasic waveform) is a function of whether the depolarizing wave is directed towards or away from the positive electrode of each lead.

With lead II, the positive electrode resides close to the apex of the heart. Since the depolarizing wave moves towards this positive red electrode, the resulting QRS complex will also be positive (upright). Conversely, with a positive electrode located on the right shoulder as in lead aVR, the QRS complex would be inverted since the ventricles typically depolarize away from the right shoulder.

While often a quick look is sufficient to determine whether the QRS complex is upright or inverted, occasionally a QRS complex requires a simple calculation to arrive at a net deflection. Figure 6.10 outlines the steps required to arrive at a net deflection. The orientation (up or down) of the QRS complex ‘D’ is not easily established. The net deflection would equal the sum of the separate three deflections: Q wave of -3 mm, an R wave of +4 mm and an S wave of -7 mm = net deflection of -6 mm. Calculating net QRS deflection is a well-utilized exercise in identifying the QRS axis.

Figure 6.10 Calculating Net Deflection of the QRS Complex

Figure 6.10 outlines the steps needed to determine whether a QRS complex is upright, inverted or neutral. For QRS complexes such as ‘A’ and ‘E’, the answer is straightforward. For the other QRS complexes (B-D, F), the net deflection of the QRS complex must be calculated. Take QRS complex ‘B’. The R wave is 5 mm in height and the S wave is 7 mm in depth leaving a net deflection of +5-7 or -2. The QRS complex ‘B’ has a negative net deflection of -2.

1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 79, 151, 161-162

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  Six Second ECG Intensive Six Second ECG Mastery 12 Lead ECG & ACS 12 Lead Advanced



Any Six Second ECG Course

12 Lead ECG & ACS

Time Frame

8 hours (1-day Course or 2 evenings)

20 hours 3-day Course

8 hours 1-day Course

8 hours 1-day Course






Completion Card
Exam and Certification
SkillStat 2U-able
Reference materials included
Dynamic ECG rhythm interpretation
Static ECG rhythm interpretation
Clinical Impact Mapping
Acute Coronary Syndromes Overview
Acute Coronary Syndromes In-Depth
ST Segment & T Wave Differential
Identify Bundle Branch Blocks
15 | 18 Lead View Mapping
Electrical Axis
R Wave Progression
Left Bundle Branch Blocks with ACS
Atypical Findings
Acute Non-Ischemic Disease Conditions
Special Cases

•-included;     ○-reviewed